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WebDayView appointments are display:none

Hi Guys,

I am having trouble with a WebDayView where it is quite erratic in showing appointments. I have checked out the HTML source shown below and all my appointments are there but the display style on them is none and the positioning isn't there. My activity adding code is as follows:


                Appointment appointment = new Appointment(this.WebScheduleInfo);

                // Configure the Appointment with the information in the data source
                appointment.Key = "activity_"+Context.Server.UrlEncode(activity["RoomName"].ToString());
                appointment.Subject = activity["ActivityName"].ToString();
                DateTime startDateTime = (DateTime)activity["StartTime"];
                appointment.StartDateTime = new SmartDate(startDateTime.Year, startDateTime.Month, startDateTime.Day, startDateTime.Hour, startDateTime.Minute, 0);
                DateTime endDateTime = (DateTime)activity["EndTime"];
                //appointment.EndDateTime = new SmartDate(endDateTime.Year, endDateTime.Month, endDateTime.Day, endDateTime.Hour, endDateTime.Minute, 0);
                appointment.Location = activity["RoomName"].ToString();
                appointment.Style.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(105, 127, 177);
                appointment.Description = "Academic event";
                appointment.Duration = endDateTime.Subtract(startDateTime);
                // Add the Appointment to the Activities list in the context


and a sample of the data is:

 MN10007    Semb/1    1WN 3.11    20-24, 28-29    2008-02-12 11:15:00.000    2008-02-12 09:15:00.000
MN10007    Sem/2    8W 2.21    20, 22, 24, 29, 31    2008-02-12 11:15:00.000    2008-02-12 10:15:00.000
MN10007    Semd/1    1WN 3.11    20-24, 28-29    2008-02-12 13:15:00.000    2008-02-12 12:15:00.000
MN10311    Lec    2W UN. HALL    18-24, 28-32    2008-02-12 19:15:00.000    2008-02-12 17:15:00.000

here is the html and display:


 If anyone can give me help on this, it's driving me mad! I have asked for support help on it but haven't heard anything for a week on it.

 Thanks in advance, Mike