I want to allow the users to be able to edit their own report through HTML Editor and save the information to db, then allow them to print the report through infragistic.document.report.
My biggest problem with this is that why the heck it stripped all of the html code when i use richcontent??
I want to be able to generate all of the html code into flow.content so it can show what was in the html editor the way it should show with font, font type, etc.
plus incorporate with the predefined header and footer.
It seem that we are not allowing the users to edit the report whatever he or she want and be able to generate the report or letter so that the user can print it out.
I tried to find a good solution in how to manuever this.
Hello Rob,
I recommend you creating new feature request regarding this functionality:
Using AddRichContent you can add export formatted text using standard formatting tags
For example :
Report report = new Report();
ISection s1 = report.AddSection();
IText text = s1.AddText();
text.AddRichContent("Regular text<br><i>Italic text</i><br><b>Bold text<br><i>Bold-Italic text</b></i><br><font color=\"Yel" +
"lowGreen\">" + "Colored text</font><br>Hyperlink to <a href=\"www.infragistics.com\"><font color=\"blue\"><u>" +
"www.infragistics.com</u>" + "</font></a><br>Unicode (Arial glyph 0x215E): <font name=\"Arial\">" +
(char)8542 + "</font>");
But you cannot export HTML table :
text.AddRichContent("<table cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"207px\" runat=\"server\" border=\"2\"> <tr> <td>COLUMN1</td> <td> COLUMN2 </td> </tr>"
+ " <tr> <td> Cell Row </td> <td> Cell Row </td> </tr> </table>");
Let me know if you have further question/