Hi there,Just added a couple of date pickers and the dropdowns are restricted to the WebDialog window however the dropdowns on the webdialog drop beyond the webdialog.
I have attached a screenshot for you to see my proble.
Best Regards,
Hi Steve,
The WebDatePicker by default uses an instance of WebMonthCalendar which is shared between all WebDatePickers. It should have parent <form> (until WebDatePicker created dynamically within async repsonse). It means that shared calendar will appear on top of other html elements on page.
WebDatePicker also supports a specific calendar using property DropDownCalendarID. So, application may add calendar to dialog and set that property of date picker to the id of calendar. In that case calendar will be created by server within parent-container to which calendar was added. If it was created inside dialog, then it was by cut-off by bounds of dialog, because it uses overflow:hidden or scroll.
Below is example:
<ig:WebDatePicker ID="WebDatePicker1" runat="server" DropDownCalendarID="WebMonthCalendar1"></ig:WebDatePicker><ig:WebMonthCalendar ID="WebMonthCalendar1" runat="server"></ig:WebMonthCalendar>
I forgot to mention that you may change/disable default overlfow:auto of dialog by following property:
<ContentPane ScrollBars="Visible">.
In this case some children can be rendered outside of dialog. It can be used if dialog is not resizable and has small content (content pane does not have scrollbars).
Hi sir,
i have kept the webdatepicker inside the webdialog window,
but it's not fully visible in the area because dialog window size is toll small and resizing is also not
allow. which property should i set to make control fully visible inside the dialog window?
<ig:WebDatePicker runat="server" ID="DateVal" Font-Size="Small" EditMode="CalendarOnly" Buttons-CellSpacing="0" Font-Names="vardena" Height="12" Width="100"> <Buttons ButtonCssClass="datetd"> <CustomButton ImageUrl="../../../..//Calendar.png" /> </Buttons> </ig:WebDatePicker>
Hi Mypost,
Can you clarify what exactly not "fully visible"? WebDatePicker by itself or its drop-down calendar?
Your codes do not contain dialog, so it is hard to guess details of layout. I suggest you to create simplest as possible aspx which contains dialog and datepicker, zip it and attach within Options tab.
Hi Vivek,
I copied your codes into aspx (content of master) and tested. It worked without problems. Calendar was not displayed on load.
The only change I did, was to add chopped ending for WebDatePicker (probably copy/paste failure) and removed WindowState="Hidden" from dialog. If dialog was hidden, then page was blank.
I think that you do same steps like mine, then you will have same result.
Maybe your application has some other logic or content which changes functionality.
Hi Viktor,
See my code i put webdatepicker inside webdialog window and web month calendar outside the webdialog.
But when my page loads then i see the webmonth calendar on page and dropdown click shows it up that is fine but it should not visible at page load.
My code is given below:
<asp:Content ID="Content3" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="DialogWindowUpdatePanel" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<ig:WebDialogWindow runat="server" ID="DescriptionWindow" Height="200px"
Width="300px" Modal="true" MaintainLocationOnScroll="true" InitialLocation="Centered"
UseBodyAsParent="true" WindowState="Hidden">
<Header CaptionText="Description">
<ContentPane ScrollBars="Hidden">
<table id="pnl" runat="server" clientidmode="Static">
<ig:WebDatePicker runat="server" ID="dtp1"
DropDownCalendarID="WebMonthCalandar1" Height="22
<ig:WebMonthCalendar runat ="server" ID="WebMonthCalandar1"></ig:WebMonthCalendar>
It is hard to guess what is wrong. Please write a simple sample (aspx file is enough), zip it and attach within Options tab, so, I can look at that and test how it runs.
If calendar is visible on load, then that it means that WebDatePicker on client was not able to find reference on client to calendar. The reason can be with the value of ID or WebDatePicker is not loaded on initialization on page.
I am facing same problem of partially visibility of webdatepicker inside webdialog window. I applied you solution and added a webdatemonthcalander and gave that id in webdropdownid of webdatepicker.
But as my page loads, webdatemonth calendar gets visible ,it should only be visible when user clicks on dropdown.
Please suggest.
If that happens, then it means that application probably uses custom drop-down calendar (DropDownCalendarID ), which is a child of dialog.In order to keep content inside of its bounds, the dialog uses overflow:hidden/auto. To show calendar on top of dialog, application has 2 options:
1. Do no use DropDownCalendarID, so, default shared calendar will be used automatically.2. Move WebMonthCalendar (which represents DropDownCalendarID) outside of WebDialogWindow. Preferrably to the very bottom/end of page/form. WebDatePicker on client will try to find reference to that calendar on client.