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Hide row headers in hierarchical UltraWebGrid

I have a hierarchical UltraWebGrid that is bound to a dataset. Any formatting I apply (such as background color, borders etc.) to the header (via Bands[i].HeaderStyle.CssClass) is also getting applied to the cells containing the little '+' and '-' expand/collapse buttons. This is not the desired effect. Is there any way of suppressing this?

I have already tried :

UltraWebGrid1.DisplayLayout.RowSelectorsDefault = RowSelectors.No;

I am using v 10.3.




  • 520

    I'm starting to get awfully good at answering my own questions, seeing that the Infragistics people have either taken to throwing their hands up in the air or pretending I don't exist.

    grid.DisplayLayout.RowExpAreaStyleDefault.CssClass = "yourcssclasshere";