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Closing WebDialogWindow by clicking a button inside content page


I am adding a WebDialogWindow to my page in code behind:

WebDialogWindow webDialogWindow = new WebDialogWindow();
webDialogWindow.ContentPane.ContentUrl = "DialogPage.aspx";           
webDialogWindow.Modal = true;
webDialogWindow.Header.MinimizeBox.Visible = false;
webDialogWindow.Header.CloseBox.Visible = false;
webDialogWindow.ID = "myDialogWindow";
webDialogWindow.WindowState = DialogWindowState.Normal;
webDialogWindow.Width = new Unit(400, UnitType.Pixel);
webDialogWindow.Height = new Unit(300, UnitType.Pixel);
 webDialogWindow.Resizer.Enabled = true;

Inside the page DialogPage.aspx I have a ASP.NET Button. Is it possible to close the dialog when I click this button?