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Set Behavioral Property with JavaScript or Cancel Drop Event


I have a tree that has Drag & Drop enabled by default, but I want to the user to be able to toggle this functionality on and off without having to postback.  I've worked with Infragistics controls for a while now, but have pretty much always used server-side code to manipulate the controls.  I have been studying JavaScript lately as a way to improve site performance, so this aspect is new to me and I'm having a problem, and no one else on the team here knows anything about JavaScript.

The documentation found for WebTree CSOM at indicates that I should be able to access tree properties such as AllowDrop client-side, but I am unable to find this property in the CSOM.

I have added an "onClick" attribute to a separate control which calls a function intended to toggle the behavior.  I am passing the ClientID value, which is "ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_wdtAllAssetsTree" because I'm using a MasterPage, to the JS function.

    function toggleDragDrop(tree) {
        var tree = document.getElementById(;

When I examine this variable named tree in debug mode, it has a property named ID with a value of "ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_wdtAllAssetsTree" and a collection of attributes with names like "onbeforeactivate" or "aria-hidden" but I cannot find the properties that I am used to being able to set server-side, such as AllowDrag, AllowDrop, SkinID, Width, etc.

An acceptable alternate solution, which was what I tried first but couldn't get to work, is a way to intercept the drop event, display a confirmation to the user to make sure they wanted to drag & drop the node, and then cancel the event if they clicked no (otherwise continue the drop event and postback).  I could only get the confirm prompt to show up in the DragStart event which was not helpful.

For example, I had tried to use this function as a starting point, but it doesn't work properly (it executes twice, and doesn't cancel the event)

    function onDrop(oTree, oNode, oDataTransfer, oEvent) {
        if (!confirm('Do you really want to move this node?')) {
            alert('canceling drop');
            return true;

What I am looking for is either how to get and set the "AllowDrop" property of the tree from the client-side code, or how to stop the drag & drop from following through if the user cancels a confirmation dialog.  I get the feeling I'm just missing something simple.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!