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Hello all,

Has some one encountered this error : this._editor is null or not an object. I explain :

I have a webdatagrid in witch the first cell off the addingrow contains a dropdown editor. this drp is bounded on a simple table and it's role is to affect some other cells of addingRow when user select some item.

When i click my drp, the addingRow cells receive their values as i desire. The problem is just after. Wher i click anywhere on my page the javascript error (above) appear.

Is some one know the issue to this problem?

I'm on it since yesterday

Big thanks for your helps

  • 33839

    Hi 362700,

    Are you manually calling the code this._editor.closeDropDown() or is it getting called by the grid?  If you have a sample you could attach that shows this problem, I'll be glad to take a look for you.

    David Young 

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