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Export company Logo

We are using excelexporter version 8.1.

I am able to export company logo into excel worksheet. It is showing up. What I want to know is:

Logo image is of certain size. My excel column 1 is small (account #) and column 2 is long (account Name). When I specify the size of image, I have to give how many cells it needs to be expanded, which makes my image to stretch. If I want it in just column 1, either I have to expand column 1 width or logo will be small. I even tried to merge cells 1, 2 and so that image can fit half of cell 2.

Here is my code:


e.CurrentWorksheet.MergedCellsRegions.Add(0, 0, 3,1);



WorksheetImage wsi = new WorksheetImage(System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(MapPath("~/Image/") + "companylogo275x80.jpg"


wsi.TopLeftCornerCell = e.CurrentWorksheet.Rows[0].Cells[0];

wsi.BottomRightCornerCell = e.CurrentWorksheet.Rows[4].Cells[2];

wsi.PositioningMode =



Is there anyway I can retain the original logo size.

I appreciate your response.

