There is a bug in the webdatagrid control, especially when filtering columns who contains numbers.
In fact, a script bug is throwed when you try to set (in datagrid.Behaviors.Filtering.ColumnFilters) for a "RuleNumberNode" object, the property "Value" to double.Nan.
When doing a postback, ther's the bug => "Cannot serialize non finit number"
Because the grid try to serialize filtering informations, and he failed serializing the value "Nan".
I watch the component code and find the problem.
The problem concern the "get" "set" code :
node = new iggrid.RuleNumberNode()
=> node.Value return Nan, but the real (private value) is null
==> no bug
node.Value = double.NaN
=> node.Value return Nan and the real (private value) is also Nan
==> Bug when serializing the Nan value.
So the bug correction could be to store in the private value "null" when the code try to set to "Nan" value
If you don't understand or cannot redo the bug, i can put more explaination or some relevant exemples. I'll try to check this post frequently.
Hello jbentolila ,
Did you have the chance to isolate a sample reproducing the issue as David suggested?
Let us know if you need further assistance regarding this.