My page consists of a WebDatagrid, 2 dropdowns, and a button.
Dropdown 1 sets a parameter for the SelectCommand of the grids datasource.
I then select rows in the grid, choose an item from "dropdown 2", and click the button to update the selected rows.
The button click event fires server side code which loops through the selected rows and calls a stored procedure to update them. When the page completes the post back, the update rows are still in the grid, but they shouldn't be there anymore. The grid will remove them if I choose a different item from "Dropdown 1" and go back. And I know the update is working.
So how do I ensure the grid is displaying the most recent info after the updates occur? I've tried calling the databind methods of both the datasource and webgird after the updates, but the rows still persist.
Clearing the Rows before the databinds appears to have fixed my issue.
Hello Ed,That may be another option. Take a look at the following link for more information regarding using the WebDataGrid RequestFullAsyncRender property:<>Give it a try and let us know.Sincerely,Mike D.Developer Support
Maybe he can use WebDataGrid1.RequestFullAsyncRender?
Hello Mark,
Thank you for submitting your inquiry to the Infragistics ASP.Net Forums. From your description, it seems since the update for the grid is performed in a button click, the grid does not know it needs to refresh its contents.
Try clearing the grid Rows, such as grid.Rows.Clear() and then call grid.DataBind() in the button click after the update occurs. If that doesn't work, try calling grid.ClearDataSource(), resetting the DataSource and then grid.DataBind().
Please let me know of your results.
Sincerely,Mike D.Developer Support