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DatePickerProvider Not work properly

I have used WebDataGrid control in my application, And I have used DatePickerProvider to make column calendar type, when I click the on dropdown Calendar button does not opened . If I use WebDateChooserProvider then calendar will open but DatePickerProvider not open the calendar. Following is the code-

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  • 29417
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello shames ,


    I know it has been a while since you posted this but if you still need assistance I’d be glad to offer some.


    If you’re using a master page in your application try adding a WebMonthCalendar to the page. Then assign its ID to the DropDownCalendarID of your WebDatePicker. This should work if you’re using an update panel as well.

     Please try this out and let me know if this resolves your issue.



    Best Regards,

    Maya Kirova

    Developer Support Engineer

    Infragistics, Inc.


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