I'm still trying to get the hang of CSS and I am currently unable to use the AppStylelist for ASP.NET (I have a support ticket open).
Currently the rows are adjusting their height to fit all the text from a cell, but I would like it to (...) and become a tooltip if it overflows the width of the cell.
I think its Overflow:auto; but where do I set this, or add it to my .aspx page?
I thought everything was going great with this, and it was working fine in development through Visual Studio. But when I run it from the production server, it does not ellipse the text
Using IE 8
Hello NervousRex,
Please let me know if you need further assistance regarding this.
You should set CSS style of the Column which you want to clip the text.
tbody > tr > td.columnCSS
text-overflow:ellipsis !important;
overflow:hidden !important;
white-space:nowrap !important;
width: 200px ;
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Notes" Key="Notes" CssClass="columnCSS">
If you want to set Tooltip of a particular cell you can use InitializeRow event for the purpose (the ToolTips are available after 10.3 vol).
protected void WebDataGrid1_InitializeRow(object sender, Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.RowEventArgs e)
e.Row.Items[1].Tooltip = e.Row.Items[1].Value.ToString();
Please let us know if you need further assistance regarding this.