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Response after calling Serverside RowUpdating fuction

Looking at the samples, it seems real simple to do a response back after a RowUpdating serverside call using AJAX.  Enable Ajax, set the OnRowUpdating call to point to the server and test the code.  My function is called and I can easily cancel the update if conditions are met.  Now I want to send back the response.  Looking at the online sample :  WebDataGrid -> Editing Rows - Server Events I see this example:


 protected void WebDataGrid1_RowUpdating(object sender, Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.RowUpdatingEventArgs e)
string fieldToVerify = e.Values["CompanyName"].ToString();

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldToVerify))
WebDataGrid1.GridResponse.Message = Resources.WebDataGridResources.UpdateRow_ServerMessageFailed;
e.Cancel = true;
WebDataGrid1.GridResponse.Message = Resources.WebDataGridResources.UpdateRow_ServerMessageSuccess;

Easy for me to understand except when I go to code the response similiar in my app, I do not have access to GridResponse.  I'm using net.Advantage 10.3.  Is there something I'm missing to be able to set the GridResponse.Message property?