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Navigate to tab in JavaScript not work in Firefox or Safari


i use a Page with a  with following tab control (Version 10.2 Clr4.0

<ig:WebTab ID="WebTab1" runat="server" Height="700px"  Width="100%"
            ScrollButtons-AutoHide="False" meta:resourcekey="WebTab1Resource1">
        <ig:ContentTabItem runat="server" Text="Druckversion" AutoSize="True"
            <iframe src="Detail_Print.aspx"  height="800px" width="100%" id="ifrm_Detail_Print"></iframe>
        <ig:ContentTabItem runat="server" Text="Adressen" AutoSize="True"
            <iframe src="Adresse.aspx" height="800px" width="100%" id="ifrm_Adresse"></iframe>
        <ig:ContentTabItem runat="server" AutoSize="True" Text="Tarife"
            <iframe src="Tarif.aspx" height="600px" width="100%" id="ifrm_Tarif"></iframe>

<ScrollButtons AutoHide="False"></ScrollButtons>

On the first page i use an ImageButton to navigate to an ohter tab. The JavaScript Code is:

               var WTab = null;

               function WIB_Change_Adr_Click(obj, args) {
                   if (WTab == null) {
                       WTab = parent.$IG.WebTab.find("MainContent_WebTab1");
                   if (WTab != null) {
                       WTab.set_selectedIndex('1', true, e);


In IE the navigation to Tab 1 works well, in other browsers nothing happens (not even a js-error).

Any knowledge what went wrong?

  • 24497


    I suggest you to use $find(id). I tested following within ContentUrl of tab and it worked in all browsers.

    function click1()
     var win = parent;
     if(win && win.$find)
      var tab = win.$find('WebTab1')
       alert('selected tab:'+tab.get_selectedIndex());
       alert('no tab');
      alert('no javascript in parent');

    I expect that same codes will work if explicit iframe is used instead of ContentUrl