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Cells Editing - disable and update programaticaly other cells


Can you tell me if is possible to update the content of some cells from WebDataGrid , considering the modifications made by user in other cells?

In our application is used "AutoCrud" and an ObjectDataSource.

As an example would be this:

Pcs Mt Kg - 10 100 1000 . If the user change in 2 peaces, to update automatically the values for Mt and Kg in 20 and 200.

Is possible in a simple way? In fact, we have 4 grids - is possible to consider also the values form the other grids?

Thanks for interest,




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  • 3147

    Yes, you can easily achieve such functionality by handling the RowUpdating server event. You can also consider the values from the other grids as well as any other control on the page.

    If you encounter any issues you can post your code here so we can suggest a solution.

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