hi, with the following code i load my custom addappointment dialog. in the dialog i save my appointment in a sql datenbase. but how is the correct way to handle my custom add appointment dialog. and after close the screen, must i reload the whole calling page and rebuild the complete calendar with the new values from the database?
function ActivityDialogOpening(oScheduleInfo, oEvent, oDialog, oActivity){
oEvent.cancel = true; //Cancel default form
var StartTime = oActivity.getStartDateTime(); //Get Activity start time to pass to custom form var key = oActivity.getDataKey(); // alert("Reservierung_add.aspx?StartTime=" + StartTime + "&EventID=" + key + ",'dialogWidth:550px;', 'dialogHeight:550px;'");
var sUrl="Reservierung_add.aspx?StartTime=" + StartTime; sUrl = sUrl + "&EventID=" + key;
var sFeatures="dialogHeight:550px;dialogHeight:550px;"; window.showModalDialog(sUrl, "", sFeatures);
Hi I do have an issue saving the appointment from the appointment dialog ; the appointments are populated from the database SQL and now when I try Adding the appointment it does not save can you please let me know how can i do this in the correct way since we are still evaluating the product ; hope you can help me on this .
Hello Martin,
Thank you for posting in our forums.
By setting EnableSmartCallbacks property you can handle all postbacks behind the scenes, eliminating the need to refresh the entire web page
But as you are canceling the event and are saving manually the appointment,
I guess that you need to reload the whole calling page and rebuild the schedule with the new values from the database.
Let me know if you need further assistance regarding this