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exitingEditMode called multiple times

Environment  - Asp.NET    CLR 3.5    VB.NET    IE8 (Build 8.0.6001.18702CO)
Infragistics 2010 Vol 3    WebDataGrid  Infragistics35.Web.v10.3, Version=10.3.20103.1013

I have a date field in a cell on the grid and am using a datepickerprovider as an EditorProvider for a date field.

I have added a handler for the CellEditingClientEvents ExitingEditMode event. If the user enters a date that is less than or equal to TODAY'S DATE I want to send back an alert and cancel the edit.
The user can either type in a date directly or select a date using the datepickerprovider.

The ExitingEditMode event fires properly when I either tab out of the cell or click on a different cell.  The validation runs as intended and when an error is detected I execute the following code:

validCell =
false;                   // validCell is a local variable.
"First requested date must be greater than today. Please re-enter.");
return false;


The problem is as soon as I execute the alert statement the cell loses focus and the ExitingEditMode event is called a second time.

This seems to be the sequence of events in the debugger.  All code is vendor provided unless noted

[17] function

exitingEditMode(sender, args) //User-written code handling the ExitingEditMode event


exitingEditMode(sender, args) //User-written code handling the ExitingEditMode event

exitingEditMode(sender, args) //User-written code handling the ExitingEditMode event

This behavior is happening consistently. What can I do to ensure the ExitingEditMode code executes only one time?





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