I have attempted to deploy a page to a production machine, but I am getting strange behavior from the WHDG. There are 3 controls on this page; 2 ASP.NET Labels, and the grid. The labels display fine but the grid does not.
There are no errors thrown. No javascript messages, nothing in the Event Log.
Here is the strange part: If I view the source, the grid there. I can see the tables that are created with the correct data.If I do a Select All in the page itself and paste the results into Notepad, I see the correct data w/o the tags.
My deploy method:Created 'ig_common' virtual off of Default Web Site on production web server pointing to folder C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\aspnet_client\Infragistics. Copied in full contents of the same folder from my Dev serverUsed the 'file system' publish method from VS 2008 to put web application files onto ProdCopied all Infragistics DLL's to bin folder of my web application on Prod
Am I missing a deployment step? Has anyone seen this behavior before?
Found the answer to be an incorrect reference to the style that was to be applied to the control. The style specified in control definition in the web page was 'Default', the style folder deployed to Production was not. Once the style name was changed in the web page, everything was displaying correctly.
Hello guzmanje,
Let us know if you need further assistance regarding this.
Please verify that you have followed the steps provided in the online documentation :
I hope you might be missed to copy some dependant files, Why don't you try by doing "Publish Web site" from your solution to some local folder (virtual). Then copy those files to your production server.