I'm using v10.3, is that any function on showing a tooltip on a cell when mouse over?
Thanks in advance
Works in Version=11.1.20111.1006 for me
This features only available on v10.3
I am using 10.2 and it doesn't appear that Tooltip is available on the "e.Row.Items[0]" in the InitializeRow event handler on a WebDataGrid.
I see that a support ticket was created. Is there a fix for this? Please don't say "upgrade to 10.3". That's much easier said than done.
Hi Lyuba,
I want the data of each cell as the tool-tip for that cell. I done with client side function but it makes things slower. If we do some other action then unresponsive script alert occurs. this happens in case of large data.
Is this feature available on latest service release of version 10.2. If so which version?