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Run time columns not showing

Hello everyone,

I am having problems with a webdatagrid, I have created 2 bounddatafield objects which I have added to the webdatagrid.columns collection.

After that, I assigned a dataset to function as a datasource (I also turned off autogeneratecolumns)

I then called the webdatagrid.databind function to finalise the proces. 

The problem is that the columns aren't being rendered on screen. When debugging I can see that the webdatagrid has 2 columns.

The purpose of this project is that I want users to be able to set the datasource through a combobox, so I want to set the datasource of the grid dynamically but I only want to show 2 or 3 column of the datatable.

Any help would be appreciated


Private Sub Page_PreRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.PreRender

        Dim adapt As New DSMailboxTableAdapters.t_InboxTableAdapter
        adapt.FillByMechanicID(_ds.t_Inbox, _mechanicID)

        WebDataGrid1.AutoGenerateColumns = False

        Dim c_Message As New Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.BoundDataField
        c_Message.DataFieldName = "Message"
        c_Message.Key = "Message"

        Dim c_Status As New Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.BoundDataField
        c_Status.DataFieldName = "MessageStatus"
        c_Status.Key = "MessageStatus"


        WebDataGrid1.DataSource = _ds.t_Inbox


    End Sub


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