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Grouping and Virtual scrolling


I'm trying to make working grouping and virtual scrolling but no luck in this moment.

What is the scenario. I have got quite big grid (7000 of rows) with no hierarchy. When I'm setting group by some column (with virutal scrolling enabled) i'm not getting all of the groups, but for example two groups (there are much more) first with 25 rows and second with 86 (- there are more then 86 elements). I think that this 86 is some how connected with the RowCacheFactor property in virtual scrolling (chaning this value has changed the number of items in group).

Also when I'm using scroll and the group by is enabled grid is not being scrolled at all.

Having group by and virtual scrolling I was expecting that I will have at least all of groups collapsed.

I'm using NetAdvantage 2010 vol 1 .NET 2.0 controls


  • 33839
    Suggested Answer

    Hi dexxter,

    Currently, virtual scrolling is not a supported behavior in the WebHierarchicalDataGrid.  It has not been implemented to work with child grids or group rows.  I would suggest the Paging behavior as an alternative.  Submit a feature request stating you would like Virtual Scrolling supported for the WHDG.  Knowing this can impact the order in which features are shipped.

    David Young

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