I want to use this grid on a page with update panels. For example, I want to do some serverside validation and update the Message Area on the page ( Inside an Update Panel ), so whats the best way to do this ?
Thanks for you reply Alex. Your help is appreciated.
That is correct. The grid has its own AJAX mechanism, which bypasses some of the regular page life cycle steps.
Actually, its a kinda awkard one really. My page is a content page with the messageUI feedback panel in it. I can __doPostBack( myUpdatePanel,'') to ensure that the message posted to the MessageUI on the backend is refreshed.
When the WEbHierarchicalGriud posts an ajax request to the backend, i guess the full page lifescycle does not happen ??
If the grid is inside of an UpdatePanel, you need to set EnableAjax=False, so the grid does full post backs and the UP has a chance to catch those and handle accordingly.