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WebTab AutoSize not working during Initial PageLoad


I am using WebTab control and facing some problems. Please help me out.

Scenario: I have a page where i have placed the WebTab control. The Tabs are added dynamically during the Page_Load. Each Tab's ContentUrl is set during this time. When my page is loaded the tab is not resized automatically. But when i select the other(Which is also not resized) and return the previous tab then it is resizing. Please let me know what i should do to automatically resize during the initial page load.

Note: The ContentUrl reference page controls also load dynamically.

Ex: My WebTab control.








ig:WebTab ID="UserDashboardsWebTab" runat="server" Width="100%" Height="100%" DisplayMode="Scrollable">

<PostBackOptions EnableAjax="true" EnableLoadOnDemand="true" EnableLoadOnDemandUrl="true" EnableLoadOnDemandViewState="true"/>



