Can anyone tell me how the WebDropDown paging is implemented. This should be done something like this. I will set the pagesize - 10. So initially when the page is loaded I should get only 10 records from the database and when the pager index is changed, then the data again fetched should be 10 more records of that page.
Initially 10 records are fetched from the database and shown in the WebDropDown and the page index will be 1. Now when I click 2 on the Pager, it should fetch the data from 11-20 and display in the WebDropDown.
Please give me some sample with the datasource(like Linq) which supports custom paging.
Is it possible drop down custom paging???
Hi Angel
I am using LINQ to bind the Data from database to the webdropdown and I have set these properties to the webdropdown
<ig:WebDropDown ID="webdropdown" runat="server" AutoPostBack="false" AutoSelectOnMatch="true"
CssClass="filterlistarea" CurrentValue="" DisplayMode="DropDown" DropDownContainerHeight="200px"
EnableClosingDropDownOnSelect="false" EnableMultipleSelection="true" MultipleSelectionType="Checkbox"
StyleSetName="Default" Width="180px" EnableLoadOnDemand="true" EnableAutoFiltering="Client"
EnableAutoCompleteFirstMatch="true" PageSize="400" EnablePaging="true">
<DropDownItemBinding TextField="wddl1" ValueField="wddl1" />
I am getting page numbers in my webdropdown but when I switched between the pages the drop down shows some selected data in the text field . And also does not show the new data when I switched between pages
Shantesh Kulkarni
If your datasource supports paging, the WebDropDown does this automatically for you, you do not need any sort of custom paging.
Say you have 100 records in the database and page size 10. This means 10 page links will be rendered. There will be only 10 DropDownItem objects bound on the server-side, and if your data source supports paging, 10 will be also fetched from the database - we do the adapter logic also automatically for you, meaning that we set StartRowIndex, MaximumRows, and so on.
You can find Linq samples on => WebDropDown
Hope this helps,