Hi,I'm using Infragistics version '6.2.20062.1054' in an ASP .NET Web Application (CLR 2.0).In the application, I use a piechart in one of the pages. A problem occurs when using tooltips on the PieChart3D.I want to display the ITEM_LABELs as tooltips. So I set the object 'myUltraChart' of type Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebChart.UltraChart' as followsmyUltraChart.ChartType = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.ChartType.PieChart3D;myUltraChart.Format = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.TooltipStyle.Custom;myUltraChart.Tooltips.FormatString = "<ITEM_LABEL>";and then set its DataSource to a DataSet with one table with 2 columns, first with string text and second with numbers.and then finally I DataBind() the UltraChart.Besides these, I've set some styling properties in the .aspx side (axis, etc.).The piechart comes up fine with the data & it’s legend BUT the tooltips comes up blank.The ITEM_LABEL, DATA_VALUE, PERCENT_VALUE, etc. are diplayed fine in the legend of the chart just as I’ve formatted them.I changed the ChartType from 'PieChart3D' to 'PieChart' and then the ITEM_LABEL Tooltip came up fine.I changed the ChartType back to 'PieChart3D' and then changed the FormatString of the UltraChart as:myUltraChart.Tooltips.FormatString = "SERIES_LABEL: '<SERIES_LABEL>'\nITEM_LABEL: '<ITEM_LABEL>'\nPERCENT_VALUE: '<PERCENT_VALUE>'\nDATA_VALUE: '<DATA_VALUE>'";After this, the SERIES_LABEL & ITEM_LABEL come up blank as before, where as I get correct values for PERCENT_VALUE and DATA_VALUE.Is this a known issue with ToolTips & PieChart3D in Infragistics version 6.2.20062.1054 ?Or are ITEM_LABELs not allowed for use in Tooltips with ChartType of PieChart3D ?Or am I doing something wrong here ?Please feel free to ask for any more information if required. I appreciate your help.Waiting,
I'm using version 8.1.20081.1000 and I'm experiencing this same problem for PieChart 3D. Any ideas?
The problem was fixed after the release build of 6.3 (which is what you're using) was out, so you need to apply the latest hotfix for 6.3
I am using version Build Version: 6.3.20063.53 and this issue has appeared to have come back. Same exact behavior, ITEM_LABLE is blank on a 3D Pie Chart, but fine a regular Pie Chart.
What should I do, I have a release tomorrow and need help.
Yup. The problem does not occur after updating with hotfix 6.2.20062.1083. Thanks.
I'll update with the latest hotfix for Infragistics 6.2 and then try again.Thanks for the quick reply.