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WHDG - 0 rows on page after databind.

I've implemented the custom pager code found at:

In my WHDG. I am using a dataset to fill my grid. It displays data on page_load just fine, i fill my dataset then run the following:

            this.Report_Grid.DataSource = m_ReportDataSet;

On postback for page 2 i fill the dataset in the pagechanged event the custom pager fires, then bind using the above code. As long as i am binding page 1 or 2 the correct data appears on the webpage.

However if i select any page number above 2 (3+) the WHDG displays on the page blank with no data (just headers). I have confirmed there is data in my dataset when I databind. but I can't figure out what is causing the data not to display. I have tested this against several datasets with different data ranges and the issues is consistent.