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WHDG Custom Paging issue

I've been attempting to implement a custom paging control for my WHDG using the following two sources:

But with both i run into the same issue, I am unable to obtain a reference to the paging control.

I place the ascx user control into page by dropping it in the designer, then move the code to the behavior section of the WHDG

                                    <ig:Paging PageSize="100">
                                            <uc1:CustomPager ID="CustomPager" runat="server" />

Then try to get a reference to the object with:

this._customPager = this.Report_Grid.Behaviors.Paging.PagerTemplateContainer.FindControl("CustomPager") as CustomPager;

I've tried in multiple places to get a reference, WHDG init, page_load, Page_init, etc. ReWrote the code about 3 times, tripple checked my control names, tried PagerTemplateContainerBottom, PagerTemplateContainerTop, PagerTemplateContainer.

No matter what i try the findcontrol always returns null.