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UltraWebGrid wicked column resize (by user) behavior.


I am running to into 2 problems with user resizing column.

1) When click and drag the column edge, the header and content are jumping all over.

2) When I set one of the column to hidden = true; It will resize the wrong column due to the <col> being pushed down to the end of the <colgruop>. When resizing the column later than the hidden column, it didn't consider the <col> defination what was pushed to the end of <colgroup>. I worked around it, but, if you have good real solution, that would be good.

Anyway, my main problem right now is #1 when I drag the column edge, my header visual's first col is expended/shrink to a specific width, thus, push the whole header to the right or other weird visual. The content is also having the same problem, however, it is the second column got expended, and width is not as long.

It is ok if I drag the column edge, resize, and release mouse, after I release the mouse, header and content are resized to proper positions and everything get back to normal. It is bad if I drag the column edge without moving the mouse, and release, the result is will kept weird.

Shown in pictures.

If I set the columnHeader.Style.Width = Unit.Pixel(100); the problem will not appear. However, we need to set some of them Unit.Percentage(20). And then, the problem appears. I have tried setting them to pixel width on runtime after the percentage is calculated, but, the problem still there.

What should I do? Thank you.


When Hold Click

  • 1923

    Hi, I had a problem where the user would resize a column and different columns would change size. Using your ideas, in my initializedisplaylayout event, I just used Column.Move(0) on all the columns that weren't hidden...that way all the hidden ones were at the end...and so they were't mixed with the usual ones.

    Just be careful if you are using javascript to reference columns by index and not key