Hi All,
We are currently using the version 8.3. Recently, we are required to support exporting our data to Excel 2007. We extensively use the groupings (OutlineLevel). When I tweaked my existing code to export data to Excel 2007 instead of 97-2003, the OutlineLevel does not seem to work.
Code snippet below:
Dim workBook As Workbook = New Workbook(WorkbookFormat.Excel2007, WorkbookPaletteMode.StandardPalette)
Dim workSheet As Worksheet = workBook.Worksheets.Add(details.DataSheetName)
workSheet.Rows(0).Cells(0).Value = "Row 0, Cell 0"
workSheet.Rows(0).OutlineLevel = 0
workSheet.Rows(1).Cells(0).Value = "Row 1, Cell 0"
workSheet.Rows(1).OutlineLevel = 1
workSheet.Rows(2).Cells(0).Value = "Row 2, Cell 0"
workSheet.Rows(2).OutlineLevel = 2
workSheet.Rows(3).Cells(0).Value = "Row 3, Cell 0"
workSheet.Rows(3).OutlineLevel = 3