I have enabled a double click client function (See Below)
var grid = $find("<%=this.jobListGrid.ClientID %>");
var selectedRow = grid.get_behaviors().get_selection().get_selectedRows();
var row = selectedRow.getItem(0);
After l have the selected row in the "row" variable , l need to pass the information back to the server side.
I have done this by adding a __doPostBack('jobListGrid_DoubleClick');
When the postback is fired l check if l have a selected row (See Below) , but the count = 0. Why?
Why does the client think l have a selected row and the server side doesn't.
I would then like to use the .DataItem to load by object.
Any Help?
Also V2010.2 have support for server side double click?
I use the RowSelectionChanged server side event. Then, to get the value of individual cells, I use something like:
MyValue = DataBinder.Eval(e.CurrentSelectedRows(0).DataItem, "note")
If you can't use the RowSelectionChanged server-side event, another approach would be to put hiddenfield elements on the page and populate them via javascript in the code block where you have access to the values.
You can then retrieve those values from the hiddenfields on postback.
I have worked around it, by passing the index to my server side event and then getting the row's data from the index.
Thanks Anyway.