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WebExplorerBar used with user control

I should preface this post by saying that I'm fairly new to ASP.Net development and very new to the Infragistics controls.  I would appreciate any help that I'm given -especially if there are any code samples out there related to what I'm trying to do.  I've researched this forum and several others and cannot find anything close to answering my question.   

I have added a user control to an ExplorerBarGroup as an ExplorerBarItem.  Physically, this seems to work well, but I cannot figure out how to access the user control's public methods from the code-behind file of my page.  When my page loads, I need to call the "LoadMeUp" method on the user control so that it will display the appropriate values.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Here is the code for the control:


















<ig:WebExplorerBar ID="newStationExplorerBar" runat="server" Width="988px"  GroupContentsHeight ="">




<ig:ExplorerBarGroup GroupContentsHeight="" Text="Distributor">












<uc1:ucDistInfo ID="ucDistInfo1" runat="server" />




















<ExpandButton AltText="Expand button"></ExpandButton>



<CollapseButton AltText="Collapse button"></CollapseButton>



