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How to link generic list to WebDayView?

Hi, i want to set a generic list  ( List<MyAppointment>) to a WebDayView but i have problems, the appointments are not shown, only are show if the ppoinment has alldayevent set to true.

my code : 

        <ig_sched:WebDayView ID="WebDayView1" runat="server" WebScheduleInfoID="wsInfo" 

                    EnableMultiResourceCaption="True" >


            <ig_scheduledata:WebScheduleGenericDataProvider runat="server" ID="WebScheduleGenericProvider1"


                <AppointmentBinding DataKeyMember="ID" ResourceKeyMember="ResourceKey" />

                <ResourceBinding DataKeyMember="ID" />

                <VarianceBinding DataKeyMember="ID" ResourceKeyMember="ResourceKey" />



            <ig_sched:WebScheduleInfo ID="wsInfo" runat="server" AppointmentFormPath="WebSchedule/AppointmentAdd.aspx"

                ReminderFormPath="WebSchedule/Reminder.aspx" EnableRecurringActivities="True" EnableSmartCallbacks="false"

                EnableMultiResourceView="True" EnableAppStyling="True" OnActivityAdding="wsInfo_ActivityAdding"





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