Hi i have a problem with WebDayView, i cannot see the appointments, but in WebMonthView yes. Why??
on LOAD :
this.wsInfo.AppointmentFormPath = "WebSchedule/AppointmentAdd.aspx";
this.wsInfo.ReminderFormPath = "WebSchedule/Reminder.aspx";
IList resources = null;
ICollection appointments = null;
if (!IsPostBack)
resources = GetResources();
appointments = GetAppointments();
Session["WebSchdeuleObjects"] = new object[] { resources, appointments };
object[] objects = Session["WebSchdeuleObjects"] as object[];
resources = objects[0] as IList;
appointments = objects[1] as ICollection;
WebScheduleGenericProvider1.ActivityDataSource = appointments;
WebScheduleGenericProvider1.VarianceDataSource = appointments;
WebScheduleGenericProvider1.ResourceDataSource = resources;