I have been trying to get the load on demand feature working on the WebDropDown control, but am only having partial success. I have defined my control and its data source as follows;
<ig:WebDropDown id="ddlClientList" runat="server" width="400px" AutoFilterResultSize="20" AutoFilterSortOrder="Ascending" DataSourceID="EntityDataSource1" EnableAutoFiltering="Server" EnableLoadOnDemand="true" LoadingItemsMessageText="Loading..." TextField="Name" ValueField="GUID" EnableMarkingMatchedText="True" AutoFilterTimeoutMs="500" DropDownContainerMaxHeight="400px" DropDownContainerWidth="400px" EnableAnimations="False" EnablePersistingCustomValues="True" ><DropDownItemBinding TextField="Name" ValueField="GUID" /></ig:WebDropDown>
<asp:EntityDataSource ID="EntityDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="name=CAAPEntities" DefaultContainerName="CAAPEntities" EntitySetName="MasterCompanies" AutoGenerateOrderByClause="True" EnableFlattening="False"></asp:EntityDataSource>
The WebDropDown loads the first page of data, and when I scroll down it loads the next set of data (except when using mouse wheel) and the filtering works on the loaded data. I am expecting to be able to start typing and the LoadOnDemand feature to start filtering the data at the data source. Otherwise I have to load thousands of items at once just to be able to filter the items. The performance of this is not good so this isn't an option.
What am I missing? Why does this not work as expected?
The control is from version 9.2.
Hi Carl,
I've asked our Development Support group to investigate your scenario and will get back to you soon
Thank you,
I have the same problem .... any news?
Hello Guys,
I have put together a small sample to verify the described behavior. I used the aspx markup provided in the above post. The control works correctly. I was able to filter and use LoadOnDemand features together.
For your reference is attached sample that as a data source uses Northwind database and the latest service release for 9.2 version which is: 9.2.20092.2183
Looking forward your feedback!
Did you have a chance to test my sample? Please let me know your feedback.