I have been trying to get the load on demand feature working on the WebDropDown control, but am only having partial success. I have defined my control and its data source as follows;
<ig:WebDropDown id="ddlClientList" runat="server" width="400px" AutoFilterResultSize="20" AutoFilterSortOrder="Ascending" DataSourceID="EntityDataSource1" EnableAutoFiltering="Server" EnableLoadOnDemand="true" LoadingItemsMessageText="Loading..." TextField="Name" ValueField="GUID" EnableMarkingMatchedText="True" AutoFilterTimeoutMs="500" DropDownContainerMaxHeight="400px" DropDownContainerWidth="400px" EnableAnimations="False" EnablePersistingCustomValues="True" ><DropDownItemBinding TextField="Name" ValueField="GUID" /></ig:WebDropDown>
<asp:EntityDataSource ID="EntityDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="name=CAAPEntities" DefaultContainerName="CAAPEntities" EntitySetName="MasterCompanies" AutoGenerateOrderByClause="True" EnableFlattening="False"></asp:EntityDataSource>
The WebDropDown loads the first page of data, and when I scroll down it loads the next set of data (except when using mouse wheel) and the filtering works on the loaded data. I am expecting to be able to start typing and the LoadOnDemand feature to start filtering the data at the data source. Otherwise I have to load thousands of items at once just to be able to filter the items. The performance of this is not good so this isn't an option.
What am I missing? Why does this not work as expected?
The control is from version 9.2.
Hello Guys,
Did you have a chance to test my sample? Please let me know your feedback.
I have put together a small sample to verify the described behavior. I used the aspx markup provided in the above post. The control works correctly. I was able to filter and use LoadOnDemand features together.
For your reference is attached sample that as a data source uses Northwind database and the latest service release for 9.2 version which is: 9.2.20092.2183
Looking forward your feedback!
I have the same problem .... any news?
Hi Carl,
I've asked our Development Support group to investigate your scenario and will get back to you soon
Thank you,