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Infragistics and Continuous Integration/Licensing issues

My company has recently acquired licenses for the NetAdvantage ASP.Net - v2010 r1 components. We have been using the components perfectly fine in development however we are butting up against an issue with our Continuous Integration server.

The components are fully installed on the developers machines and development is going well. Building on these machines is also fine. We have copied the infragistics components themselves to a LIB folder in our development trunk and are referencing them from there. When we check in the continuous integration server does a get against our code and runs an MSBuild task which has started failing with the exception:

Properties\licenses.licx(1): error LC0004: Exception occurred creating type 'Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.WebDataGrid, Infragistics35.Web.v10.1, Version=10.1.20101.2039, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7dd5c3163f2cd0cb' System.ComponentModel.LicenseException: Unable to locate license assembly.

After searching the net for possible solutions we came across the suggestion to install the Infragistics components ontot he CI server. However, the CI server itself has no connection to the internet (and will never be able to have one) and when trying to install the components it returns an error stating that the License key is invalid.

My questions to you are:

1) Removing the infragistics line from the Licenses.licx in the solution causes the build to work just fine - but what effect is this having on our application?

2) Does installing the infragistics components require an active net connection? Is there any way of doing an offline install or copying the config details from an existing install to get this onto the build server?

3) Installing onto the build server is a last resort, is there any other way we can get around the licx compilation issue (i.e. by telling the licx compiler to look at our lib folder)?

Hope you can help,
