I am trying to find an image button located in a page contained with in a WebTab. I want to click the button from Javascript when the user selects the tab. I have the client side event firing and can see the tab using getTabAt, but I cannot figure out how to find the image button when it located in an aspx page instead of being a control placed inside the form.
This code works when the control is located in the tab, but does not when the control is located in a page that is loaded into the tab:
var tab = $find("<%=WebTab1.ClientID%>"); var tabIndex = e.get_tabIndex();
if (tabIndex == 1) { var imgButtonId = tab.getTabAt(tabIndex).findChild("ImageButton1").id; var imgButton = document.getElementById(imgButtonId); imgButton.click(); }
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Brent,
If you use ContentUrl, then tab uses iframe to render it. There is method/property of tab item get_iframe(). So, if ContentUrl is local, then you probably will get access to its document and can find child element from that document. Below is example (with skipped validations for nulls).
var tabItem = tab.getTabAt(tabIndex);var iframe = tabItem.get_iframe();var doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;var elem = doc.getElementById('ImageButton1');
<I think similar will be added in newer versions to implementation of findChild.>