I have a problem using RequiredFieldValidator with WebNumericEditor, when it (WebNumericEditor) have any data and i have a required field validator for it, then a post back heppen the validator determin that it contains NO data although it have data!!?
Can you help me with this?
Hi Salis,
I tested following with current dlls and it worked ok.
<ig:WebNumericEditor ID="WebNumericEditor1" runat="server" ValueText="23"></ig:WebNumericEditor><asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="WebNumericEditor1" ErrorMessage="RequiredFieldValidator"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator><asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />
I looked at history of source files and found few fixes related to validators:12/15/2009 (validation after postback) and 03/02/2010 (validation after postback in UpdatePanel).
Please try to test latest service release.
It appears the validation is gettling lost when the numeric control is inside a <asp:panel> but using the same validation group.
To illustrate:<update panel>
lot number: ig text editorItem number: ig text editor
CheckBox Create Charge? <asp panel> ig web numeric quantity: xxxRequiredFieldValidator --> On the WebNumericEditor.</asp panel>
<submit button>
</update panel>
In the above hypothetical form. When clicking the submit button. It complains that I didn't fill in the Quantitity in the WebNumericEditor, even though I did. This fails whether or not I have it on the same validation group.
Robert Koernke