I am using WebDropDown in my application. Today i upgraded my infragistics version with new release(v 10.1.20101.1011). After this i can not set 'CurrentValue' for WebDropDown. In my older version i was using this same coding and it worked fine.
<ig:WebDropDown DisplayMode="DropDownList" DropDownAnimationType="Bounce" ID="uwlog" Height="23px" Width="65px" AutoPostBack="true" OnValueChanged="uwlog_MenuItemClicked" ToolTip="Log Info" CurrentValue="Log Info" DropDownContainerWidth="105px" EnableDropDownAsChild="false" DropDownContainerHeight="0px" DropDownContainerMaxHeight="150px" runat="server" Style="margin: 0px 0px 1px 20px; z-index: 9000;" StyleSetName="Office2007Blue">
<ig:DropDownItem Text="Application Log" ToolTip="Application Log" >
<ig:DropDownItem Text="Error Log" ToolTip="Error Log" >
<AutoPostBackFlags SelectionChanged="On" />
<ClientEvents />
- Here i have set CurrentValue as "Log Info" but in front it is taking the first list item as currentValue(ie;"Application Log").
Can anyone suggest a solution for me?
-Thank you.
Hi Sridhar,
If DisplayMode = DropDownList, you cannot haveany CurrentValue, it must always match an item's text. Is this the case with your issue?
I have upgraded my website with new service release(10.1.20101.2022). Even then this issue exists. ie; current value is not set and it is taking the first menu item as its current value.
Out of the box, It's not possible to have DisplayMode="DropDown", and have editing disabled at the same time. But you can easily solve this by cancelling the ValueChanging client-side event: args.set_cancel(true);
Hi Angel,
Thanks for your response.
I changed DisplayMode="DropDown" and it works . But the current value is now "Editable". I could select the text and delete it in runtime page.
Suggest a solution?
If you have set DisplayMode=DropDownList, it will always have the text for a specific item that is selected. In that case you should set DisplayMode=DropDown (the default one).
Thank you,