I'm new to UltraChart. I'm using a basic Pie Chart. The pie chart is always combing my 3 lowest numbers to "Others". I do not want that. Does anybody know how to make the Pie Chart show all data given?
Thank you.
Why is this not the default setting Infragistics!!!! - I was banging my head against the wall trying to figure out why my pie chart was showing one legend label properly but using "Others" for the other category being returned in the dataset - I've never know a pie chart to automatically lump stuff together in "Others" category by default - the default behavior should be to show each category legend seperately and if soemeone wants to group into "Others" then they use the OthersCategoryPercent and OthersCategoryText properties to do so.
The number of these images is determined by ImageURL property. Chart_#SEQNUM(100) will generate up to 100 images, and will start recycling the old images once the upper limit has been reached. You can reduce that number by as much as you want or simply enter the name of the image file you want the chart to save to every time. Leftover images can be safely deleted.
I've noticed that everytime a chart is rendered, a .PNG file is written to my ChartImages directory??? Am I suppose to write another program that cleans all those graphics out on a regular basis? How do other companies handle this issue?
change the formatting by setting chart.PieChart.Labels.FormatString to <DATA_VALUE:0> instead of <DATA_VALUE:#0.00>.If you're using percentages, then instead of DATA_VALUE it's PERCENT_VALUE. # stands for non-required numeric placeholder, 0 is a required numeric placeholder.
Thank you. That worked great. Can I bother you with one more question? How do I convert my numbers back to whole numbers? All my data has a decimal and 2 0's after it on the Pie Chart.