I have an application where I have three WebDropDown controls. My first webdropdown control which gets dynamic data from SQLdatasource for the first time does not display item text. I can see there are itmes. In order to veify that I added the button which when pressed gets a count. If I press any other control to loads all WebDropDown back then I can see values. I am using latest 9.2 service release as of 1/29.
I found the problem and fixed it. It was my mistake. Thank you for your time.
That's strange - have you set any custom styles on the items? If you could send me a sample website or some markup, i will try to debug it and see what the issue is.
Thank you,
Yes I am setting Text and Value of dropdownitem programatically. What I understand is that same code works after clicking some other controls. I have debuged to make sure it is stting the value and it does fire function and sets both item text and value properties.
Have you defined the Text data binding? That is, have you set the TextField property ?