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Keyboard Navigation


Does the WebHierarchicalDataGrid support keyboard navigation to expand child bands?



  • 33839
    Verified Answer

    Hi Jerry,

    Yes, it does support this.  Just as with the WebDataGrid, in order to get keyboard navigation, the Activation behavior must be added and enabled.  This only needs to be added to the top level for it to be on in all bands.  Now, when the active cell is on a row with child grids, pressing the '+' and '-' keys will expand and collapse the rows respectively.  This can be the ones on the number pad or the ones by the backspace.  With the ones by the backspace, you will have to actually send the '+' with the shift key, otherwise the grid sees '=' and does nothing.  If you need any further custom keyboard support, you could handle the grid's key events and do whatever else you want.


    David Young