Hi,I have to set alternate text to the chart image rendered by the ultraChart control according to 508 guidelines.I checked the online support and tried setting these 2 attributes:Section508Compliant="true" Section508-ChartImage-AltTextFormatString="Pie Chart - What type of services did I receive".
However, even after setting Section508Compliant property to true, in the browser (ie 8 and firefox), if i right click on the ultrachart image, i still see the alternate text as "Missing".Can you please tell me how to make the charts 508 compliant? How can I set their alternate text?Thanks,Manisha
Did you get this thing working? Chart is getting focued or not? i have similar issue..
The problem is that chart never get focus inorder for jaws to read alt text.
Pressing tab simply skips the control. How do I gain focus to the chart?
My chart never has focus.
Jaws wont work unless the chart has focus and then can read the alt text.
In addition to this property, you should also set ChartItems.AltTextFormatString like so:
In aspx markup:
<Section508> <ChartImage AltFormatString="Pie Chart - What type of services did I receive" /> <ChartItems AltTextFormatString="Pie Chart Item" /> </Section508>
Thanks a lot.. it works.
I’m trying:
this.UltraChart1.DataSource = DemoTable.Table();
this.UltraChart1.Section508Compliant = true;
this.UltraChart1.Section508.ChartImage.AltFormatString = "Pie Chart - What type of services did I receive";
this.UltraChart1.DeploymentScenario.ImageURL = "Wrong url";
And it displays the alt text.