I'm having two problems with paging on the WebDropDown:
1. Everytime I select a new page, I see the text "async post" in back of all of my items on the drop down list. How do I get rid of that text? It started to appear after I upgraded to version 9.2
2. After clicking pack and forth between pages for a while, eventually the page stops loading, i.e. the link for the page appears dead. On the backend, I get this exception:
Invalid object passed in, ':' or '}' expected. (116): {"id":"ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$panel1$ctl00$ddlParticipant","context":{"type":"gotoPage","value":" <span style="display: block;"><a mkr="PagerNumberLink" id="x:2032876818.21:mkr:PagerNumberLink" class="igdd_PageCurrent ">1</a><a mkr="PagerNumberLink" id="x:2032876818.22:mkr:PagerNumberLink" class="igdd_PageLink ">2</a><a mkr="PagerNumberLink" id="x:2032876818.23:mkr:PagerNumberLink" class="igdd_PageLink ">3</a></span>"},"children":[]} Any help for these problems would be appreciated.
That's very strange "Async post" is the default alt text for the Ajax Indicator which was introduced on a couple of controls, including DropDown. I suppose the loading image cannot be loaded, so you get the async post text. You can always disable the AjaxIndicator, in the following way:
<ig:WebDropDown ID="WebDropDown1" runat="server" Width="200px">
<AjaxIndicator Enabled="False" />
About the Exception in paging, do you have any kind of Tracing enabled when you experience this? Does it happen when you click too fast? I mean before the page for the previous click has loaded?
Hope it helps. Thanks for the feedback,
Hi Angel,
Thanks for the reply. The first solution removed the Async Post text.
For the second problem, it looks like the problem does occur if I click through the pages too fast. How can I prevent the user from clicking on the next page before the current page has loaded.