I need to write some C# code-behind to remove a resource. There is a .RemoveResource method on the WebScheduleDataProvider, but it requires a populated Resource object.
I have the resourceName, how do I populate a Resource object?
There is a protected RemoveResource that accepts a RemoveResourceContext object, where I can set a resourceName. That would be perfect, except that it is PROTECTED and I can't call it.
So it looks like I need to fetch ALL the resources in my entire system (using WebScheduleDataProvider.FetchResources) then loop through them until I find the one I want, then pass that to the RemoveResource(resource) method? Eventually we might have 50,000 resources, that's just not a good idea is it?
Am I missing something or did Infragistics miss somehting?
This is a time-sensitive problem, can someone from IG please help me out ASAP? Even if it is just to verify the bulky solution I described above...
nevermind, I wrote some code to call the IG stored procs directly from my resource management page.