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Problem with templatecolumn


I have a dropdown templated column in my webdatagrid. This dropdown is bound to a sqldatasource and return a bit huge data, Nearly 3 thousand records.

My problem is whenever i do a asnypostback. i.e on virtual scroll,sorting,filtering etc... i get a blank error message on the screen that the script is causing the IE to run slow. I believe this is happening due to huge datainside the template dropdown. This works fine in FF but gives problem in IE6. Can anyone help me on this plz ?


<ig:TemplateDataField Key="ClientGroup">
                    <ig:WebDropDown ID="ddlClient" runat="server" DataSourceID="sqldsClientGroupProvider"
                        TextField="ClientGroup" ValueField="ClientGroup" EnableLoadOnDemand="True"
                        EnablePaging="True" >
                        <DropDownItemBinding TextField="ClientGroup" ValueField="ClientGroup" />
                <Header Text="ClientGroup" />

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  • 24671
    Suggested Answer


    This has been a known performance issue that happens on postback, and has been resolved some time ago. I am sure if you upgrade the assemblies to a later version, it should work great.

    Thank you,


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