I'm trying to create a page that users can use to manage values in many of our reference tables. I am trying to use a WebDropDown to allow the users to select the table to edit and then I will build the columns, behaviors, and editorproviders based on the definition of that table.
One of the common columns among all of our reference tables is "Active". I would like to represent these values with a DropDownProvider (True, False). Do I need to create two separate DropDownProviders? One for CellEditing and another one for RowAdding?
I have asimilar situation to create a single grid usercontrol and to create columns at runtime. I am adding the columns on ondatabinding event. But for some reason when i try to delete a row it never trigger the ondeleting event and ondatabinding is trigerring twice.
Can u please tell me where you are adding columns and binding the data to it ?