I am using resource files for chart text as well as other items on the page.
However I am unable to set the TitleTop text using a "meta:resourcekey"
I have also tried getting to it by using something like..
Ultrachart.TitleTop.Text which in my code uses for the ultrachart... ID="BarChatStatus" meta:resourcekey="BarChartStatusResource1"
So the resx file contains a line: BarChartStatusResource1.TitleTop.Text = "whatever"
this doens't work.
Is there anyway to make this work with a local resource file?
this worked fine for me when i tested it out.
Default.aspx contains:
<igchart:UltraChart runat="server" ID="UltraChart1" meta:resourcekey="theChart" />
Default.aspx.resx contains:
<data name="theChart.TitleTop.Text"> <value>HELLO</value> </data>
The resulting chart has HELLO printed on top. I have attached the test project I created.
does this project work on your side?