I am working with a multidimensional array and am wanting to see if i can bind it to the webdatagrid.
Essentially, my Data looks like this..
I want the grid to look like the following
RowName ColumnName1 ColumnName2
Sub 1 Sub2 Sub1 Sub2
SomeRow Val1 Val2 Val3 Val4
SomeRow2 Val1 Val2 Val3 Val4
This can have many more rows and many more columns than above.
The Sub1 and Sub2 are the Sub keys of each column with the values being stored in the array.
Is this possible? Do i need to do some kind of banding?
I can get a dataset with tables that list all possible rows, columns and subrows if needed and output the aggregate data as:
RowName ColName Sub1 Sub2
SomeRow Col1 Val1 Val2
SomeRow Col2 Val3 Val4
And so on.
I am not quite clear on what the requirement is, can you give an example of the data source in C# and draw a picture of the desired rendering? Thanks.