We use a bar chart that basically compares CurrentYearSales Vs PreviousYearsales or various products. The datasource for the chart is an array list of sales object (sales object basically contains properties current year quantity vs previous year quantity). CurrentYearQuantity and PreviousYearQuantity are shown on the X axis. On my local machine, I always get the CurrentYearQuantity showing up and then PreviousYearQuantity. But on the server, for whatever reason PreviousYearQuantity always shows up first. I made sure that the code in my machine and the server are the same. Any advise on how to fix this issue?
I'm not really sure why this happens. The chart doesn't alter the order of data. Check the arraylist to see the order of your data. One thing that may help is using 2 NumericSeries. You should be able to bind each of the series to one of the properties and add the series to the chart in any order you like.